Shifting Identities - [Swiss] Art Now » ComCom

artist@museum - Com&Com

Posted by annie 7June 1:52 PM


Johannes M. Hedinger, *1971 / Marcus Gossolt, *1969


What are your origins?
Johannes: Swiss, far out some French Gypsies and Hungarian roots
Marcus: Swiss, but strong Austrian roots

Officially, you are a citizen of which country?
Johannes: Switzerland
Marcus: Switzerland

Where are the places that you have lived for more than 6 months?
Johannes: St. Gallen, Zürich, Berlin, Los Angeles
Marcus: Wittenbach, St. Gallen, Tarifa, Basel, Köln

Where do you live and work right now?
Johannes: Berlin + Zürich
Marcus: St. Gallen

Is [the country you are living in now] your final destination? If not, then where else?
Johannes: next to Switzerland I could think of Tel Aviv, Berlin (not winter!) and above all California
Marcus: next to Switzerland I could imagine France (west part), Israel and New York

Name 3 changes you would like to see of Switzerland? (please answer even if you don’t live in Switzerland)
a. Johannes: every Swiss citizen should have to live at least one year abroad before he/she turns 25
Marcus: no more breeding ground for SVP

b. Johannes: more tolerance, altruism, serenity; less resentment, envy, neighbouring controlling
Marcus: more official art education

c. Johannes: more sun, ocean and desert
Marcus: Freie Sicht aufs Mittelmeer

If you are living elsewhere, name 3 changes you would like to see of that country you are living in now.
a. Johannes (Germany): same as Switzerland (see 6) plus less moroseness and more humor.

What is your favourite recipe?
Johannes: Silserbrötli mit Bünderfleisch und Cornichon (no recipe, ie Flughafenbeck Steiner)
Marcus: Kaiserschmarn and Germknödel

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