Shifting Identities - [Swiss] Art Now » !Mediengruppe Bitnik

workshop@downtown - !Mediengruppe Bitnik

Posted by annie 22July 1:20 PM

Saturday afternoon curiousity stroll around town with strange home-made devices intercepting installed video cameras in public and private places.

workshop@downtown - !Mediengruppe Bitnik

Posted by annie 16July 12:32 AM


A Hack A Day #7
Die unsichtbare Stadt - Tools für Sousveillance
Streifzug mit der !Mediengruppe Bitnik zu den Schauplätzen der unsichtbaren Stadt.

Samstag, 19. Juli 2008, 14:00h - ca. 18:00Uhr
Kunsthaus Zürich
Treffpunkt: Eingangshalle

_ Stadtrundgang / Intro im Kunsthaus
_ Teilnahme kostenlos!
_ Bitte anmelden unter [email protected]
_ Gemeinsames Essen im Anschluss an den Walk

_ Sousveillance:
“Aufmerksame Wachsamkeit von unten”

_ Begriffsdefinition “Sousveillance” von Steve Mann:

artist@museum - !mediengruppe bitnik

Posted by annie 6June 12:58 PM


!Mediengruppe Bitnik


What are your origins?
!Mediengruppe Bitnik was founded in Zürich.
Its members are part Swiss, German, Croatian, Bosnian, Finnish, Indian

Officially, you are a citizen of which country?
Between all of us we have: 5 Swiss passports, 2 German passports, 1 Croatian passport, 1 Finnish passport, 1 Indian passport. 10 Passports for 7 people. Unluckily they are linked to personal identities, so we don’t get to share them between us!

Where are the places that you have lived for more than 6 months?
Zürich, Basel, St.Gallen, Barcelona, Berlin, Dresden, London, Portsmouth, Bangalore

Where do you live and work right now?
Zürich, London, Berlin, Bangalore

Is [the country you are living in now] your final destination?
Probably not
If not, then where else?
We’ll see - who knows?

Name 3 changes you would like to see of Switzerland? (please answer even if you don’t live in Switzerland)
a. Sorry, we couldn’t find any agreement on this question. The debates are still on-going!

If you are living elsewhere, name 3 changes you would like to see of that country you are living in now.
a. Our man in India would like to have the Swiss Alps planted right next to his home-town of Bangalore (must be from watching Bollywood films)

b. Our man in London would like the rent-prices in London to be equal to those in St. Gallen or Basel (or even Zurich). Rents are far to high in London!

c. Our man in Berlin is very happy. He says it’s the best place on earth

What is your favourite recipe?
We all agreed to Barbecue with Salads (provided everyone could bring their own stuff to barbecue. Some would go for meat there, some for corn cobs, some for vegetables. Oh and for the salads: Italian style dressings!)

movie courtesy of the artists

Opera Calling -

«Der Rosenkavalier» von Richard Strauss
Telefonanruf - Sonntag, 25. März 2007, 16:28:52

Zwischen März und Mai 2007 übertrugen im Zuschauerraum versteckte Wanzen die Vorstellungen des Zürcher Opernhauses an zufällig ausgewählte Zürcher Telefonanschlüsse. Im Stile eines Hauslieferdienstes wurden die EinwohnerInnen von Zürich live in den Zuschauerraum verbunden und konnten so lange sie wollten in die laufende Vorstellung hineinhören. Insgesamt wurden über 90 Stunden Live-Oper an 4363 Haushalte über das stadtzürcher Telefonnetz ausgesendet.

!Mediengruppe Bitnik & Sven Koenig -